optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit --force-version FORCED_VER Forces Live to think that it is another version number. Must follow format -o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET RTMP Server port offset (from 1935). A value of 100 is commonly used for sourcing. -j TRACKER|SWARMPUBKEY, --join TRACKER|SWARMPUBKEY Swarm to autojoin on launch. Specify the tracker and the swarm public key, separated by a pipe symbol ('|'). --no-crashlog-reporting Disable all communication with the crashlog server. --no-stats-thread Disable debugging statistics being reported to graphite/statsd. --no-bench-thread Disable bench statistics. --no-update-thread Disable autoupdate checking. --no-headless-thread Disable all communication with the automation server. --no-nat-detection Disable NAT detection on launch. --no-rtmp-server Disable RTMP server. --no-http-server Disable HTTP server. --no-local-discovery Disable local peer discovery. --no-sysreqs Disable system requirements for launch/install. --ignore-headless Set headless_enabled pref to off and ignore any scheduled tests. --force-headless Set headless_enabled pref to on and join any scheduled tests. --staging-bench Use staging bench server for bench statistics. --staging-dau Use staging server for autoupdate. --staging-onair Use staging server for on-air messaging. --testing-mode Disable all non-essential network communication. Implies --no-crashlog-reporting, --no-nat-detection, --no-stats-thread, --no-update-thread, --no-headless- thread, and --no-sysreqs. --nogui Disable GUI/icon.