
Peercast の視聴を便利にするFirefox 拡張「Peercast Radio」をアップデートしました。

Peercast Radio 0.1.12 (直リンク)


ナビゲーションバーにボタンを追加するスクリプトを作って、overlay.xul から呼び出します。

* Installs the toolbar button with the given ID into the given
* toolbar, if it is not already present in the document.
* @param {string} toolbarId The ID of the toolbar to install to.
* @param {string} id The ID of the button to install.
* @param {string} afterId The ID of the element to insert after. @optional
function installButton(toolbarId, id, afterId) {
if (!document.getElementById(id)) {
var toolbar = document.getElementById(toolbarId);

// If no afterId is given, then append the item to the toolbar
var before = null;
if (afterId) {
let elem = document.getElementById(afterId);
if (elem && elem.parentNode == toolbar)
before = elem.nextElementSibling;

toolbar.insertItem(id, before);
toolbar.setAttribute("currentset", toolbar.currentSet);
document.persist(, "currentset");

if (toolbarId == "addon-bar")
toolbar.collapsed = false;

if (Application.prefs.getValue("extensions.peercast-radio.first-kick", false)) {
installButton("nav-bar", "peercast-radio-toolbarbutton");
// The "addon-bar" is available since Firefox 4
// installButton("addon-bar", "my-extension-addon-bar-button");
<script type="text/javascript; version=1.8" src="overlay.js" charset="utf-8" />